Friday, 30 April 2010

Edinburgh drawing workshops

More and more are drawing as Air Iomlaid rolls on! Two weeks full of primary workshops follows an excellent training session for teachers run in partnership with The Campaign for Drawing. Pupils from Craigmillar, Portobello, Appin, Wardie, Mull, Glasgow and Leith all visiting the exhibition and, inspired by the children's work, heading out to draw in Edinburgh: Some fantastic work produced! Monday 26 - Friday 7 May 2010

Friday, 9 April 2010

The exhibition opens!

Finally after a year's worth of work, the children's artwork goes on display and looks stunning! A fantastic opening with families from Edinburgh and Skye attending as well as the general public. We celebrated the children's achievement with by a ceilidh, and the following day some pupils presented their work.

The visiting public love it! Well done to everyone involved!